30,000th spay/neuter surgery to be performed at Big Fix Clinic




Elaine L. Adair


Mississippi Spay and Neuter




Local nonprofit works to end pet overpopulation


Jackson, MS – September 12, 2015 - The Big Fix Clinic, a high-volume pet sterilization program run by Mississippi Spay and Neuter (MS SPAN), will be performing its 30,000th on-site spay/neuter surgery on Saturday, September 12th.

MS SPAN is holding an online fundraising campaign asking for 30,000 pennies ($300), to symbolize the 30,000 animals that have been fixed so far. The nonprofit relies on donations in order to keep the cost of services low, and receives no public funding. Supporters can give at msspan.org.

Mississippi Spay and Neuter’s 7-year-old pet sterilization program at the Big Fix Clinic proactively helps fight the Jackson Metro Area's dire pet overpopulation problem. The clinic is located at 100 Business Center Parkway in Pearl. Low-cost services are available to pet cats and dogs as well as stray and feral cats.

Our Mission… To reduce euthanasia and suffering of homeless animals by providing affordable spay and neuter; by engaging the cooperation of the community and by raising awareness of pet overpopulation.

Over 70,000 cats and dogs are euthanized in Mississippi each year. A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years, while a pair of dogs and their puppies can produce as many as 67,000 puppies in 6 years. The solution is within reach of every pet owner with a commitment to spay or neuter.

Currently, MS SPAN provides pet owners living in 42 counties or 82% of Mississippi's residents with access to low-cost spay/neuter services either through their voucher program, high-volume spay/neuter clinic (the Big Fix Clinic), and/or through their referral services to the other 3 high-volume clinics around the state as well as referrals to other animal welfare groups with "Animal Care" funding.  MS SPAN also offers free transport services from 3 locations in a 90-mile radius to the Big Fix Clinic.   

For more information on Mississippi Spay and Neuter and its programs, call 601-420-2438 or visit www.msspan.org.


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