Q: What is the animal's life like now? A: He is an easy going farm cat who sleeps under the covers at night and plays with our two semi-feral cats (also fixed here) during the day in our outbuildings and back fields. The two ferals have become friendlier since their surgeries also.
Robbi Harrell
2018-07-03 12:02:44 -0500
Q: Do you remember the first time you saw the animal? What was their physical and emotional state like? A: He was relaxed. In fact, other than one dog barking, it was quiet. None of the animals seemed agitated.
Heidi LaPlante
2018-07-03 12:02:15 -0500
Q: Without access to affordable spay/neuter, what would you have done? Who/what would have suffered? A: The cats would have continued to breed and eventually there would have been so many they would have overrun the property. I’m sure many of the cats would have been hit by cars, died from diseases and killed by other predators. The homeowner would not have been able to afford to buy cat food for a large population so keeping the number manageable was vital in her situation.
Robbi Harrell
2018-07-03 12:01:47 -0500
Q: Tell us about a specific animal or animals who used our services. A: We had our rescue kitten neutered. BooBoo Kitty did very well, and we were charged much less than our regular vet charges.
Deanna Hillman
2018-07-03 12:01:09 -0500
Q: What do you wish that other people knew about us? A: So many people cannot afford to have their pets spayed or neutered or cannot help stray dogs and cats that seem to wander and breed. Sadly, they are simply unaware of the wonderful and caring services BigFix offers. BigFix works with pet owners to help ensure the control of the population of unwanted animals while ensuring owner affordability with top vet care for their pets. The bottom line is that people just do not know about BigFix.
Q: Do you remember the first time you saw the animal? What was their physical and emotional state like? A: Upon pick up at the clinic? He was a little groggy but his usual self overall.
Q: Tell us about a specific animal or animals who used our services. A: I have taken many many animals over the years that I have rescued and helped people from my rural area get their pets there. But specifically my own kitten Dove Gray was neutered at the clinic and we had a wonderful experience as usual. He healed right up in no time and it was very affordable for me!
Heidi LaPlante
2018-07-03 12:00:08 -0500
Q: What is the animal's life like now? A: They all seem to have fattened up and look much healthier!
Robbi Harrell
2018-07-03 12:00:00 -0500
Q: What do you wish that other people knew about us? A: It’s more than just a place to have your pets “fixed.” You can also have first shots done there. Most importantly, the pets are well-cared for while they are in your care.
Heidi LaPlante
2018-07-03 11:59:39 -0500
Q: Do you remember the first time you saw the animal? What was their physical and emotional state like? A: The cats were very thin and scruffy looking.
Brandi Carter-Ingle
posted about this
on Facebook
2018-07-03 11:58:57 -0500
Take the survey: survey1
Rose Larry
2018-07-03 11:58:29 -0500
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? A: Yes! Be a responsible pet owner. Spay and neuter your cats and dogs especially and don’t forget the importance of heartworm to YEARROUND.
Q: What do you wish that other people knew about us? A: There are many people who don’t know how affordable the clinic is until someone recommends the clinic.
Brandi Ingle
2018-07-03 11:58:20 -0500
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? A: Thank you!!! I wish there were more clinics that offered the same services. I have to drive a little over an hour one way to get to the clinic. Since there’s no other low cost clinic, the distance alone becomes a factor for elderly or disabled people, or those with a job that just makes it impossible to get there.
Robbi Harrell
2018-07-03 11:58:17 -0500
Q: When did you first hear about MS SPAN and/or the Big Fix Clinic? A: My MIL told me a year or so ago that she had taken a couple of pets to the clinic.
Q: When did you first hear about MS SPAN and/or the Big Fix Clinic? A: Around 2011/2012
Rose Larry
2018-07-03 11:55:17 -0500
Q: How did you learn about spay and neuter and its importance? Was there a life event that changed your views? A: No. I have always felt that spay and neutering was a must. All of my pets have been altered.
Brandi Ingle
2018-07-03 11:55:14 -0500
Q: How did you learn about spay and neuter and its importance? Was there a life event that changed your views? A: I don’t think there was any specific event when it comes to pets necessarily. Seeing the quality of life change for ferals was something that I think surprised me. Nothing changed in their care except the s/n and yet they look SO much better in a short period of time. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a male or female, they always gain weight and just look great. One feral male we caught close to doubled in size (still not overweight believe it or not) and became an incredibly annoying beggar for attention and food. You’d never have known he was feral within maybe 5 months of his neuter. We didn’t even try to tame him. Now he’s constantly in his throne on the back porch demanding food with the rest of the feed the hungry committee…
Deanna Hillman
2018-07-03 11:54:53 -0500
Q: When did you first hear about MS SPAN and/or the Big Fix Clinic? A: A friend that lives in Pearl told me about it.
Lacy Thomas
2018-07-03 11:53:40 -0500
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? A: Employees are not the most professional/friendly. Need better instructions on what to do when you come on thurs mornings. Alexa says to fill out paperwork but I got chewed out by employee and customer when I went to go turn in the paperwork. I didn’t realize the long line out the door was for waiting to turn in paperwork. How was I to know that we were all there for the same thing?!
Rose Larry
2018-07-03 11:53:08 -0500
Q: With so many great organizations to support, why should others support Mississippi Spay and Neuter? A: To promote responsible pet care and out of consideration for one’s community.
Lacy Thomas
2018-07-03 11:51:51 -0500
Q: How did you learn about spay and neuter and its importance? Was there a life event that changed your views? A: My grandmother. She took stray cats before
Candy Peterson
2018-07-03 11:51:33 -0500
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? A: Advertise more
Rose Larry
2018-07-03 11:51:33 -0500
Q: Without access to affordable spay/neuter, what would you have done? Who/what would have suffered? A: Would have had to miss paying a utility bill or so. Would had suffered, but my Tess would have had the procedure; otherwise, my Tess would have suffered.
Lacy Thomas
2018-07-03 11:51:32 -0500
Q: With so many great organizations to support, why should others support Mississippi Spay and Neuter? A: Homeless animal population is steadily growing
Candy Peterson
2018-07-03 11:51:10 -0500
Q: How did you learn about spay and neuter and its importance? Was there a life event that changed your views? A: My family has always thought it important to have our pets to be fixed
Lacy Thomas
2018-07-03 11:51:03 -0500
Q: Without access to affordable spay/neuter, what would you have done? Who/what would have suffered? A: Would’ve had to give to shelter. Probably would’ve been adopted but never know
Lacy Thomas
2018-07-03 11:50:34 -0500
Q: What is the animal's life like now? A: Back to normal
Showing 868 reactions
A: He is spoiled rotten! He also thinks he is a dog, but he is happy and healthy.
A: Living in MIssissippi for the army in 2012
A: He is an easy going farm cat who sleeps under the covers at night and plays with our two semi-feral cats (also fixed here) during the day in our outbuildings and back fields. The two ferals have become friendlier since their surgeries also.
A: He was relaxed. In fact, other than one dog barking, it was quiet. None of the animals seemed agitated.
A: The cats would have continued to breed and eventually there would have been so many they would have overrun the property. I’m sure many of the cats would have been hit by cars, died from diseases and killed by other predators. The homeowner would not have been able to afford to buy cat food for a large population so keeping the number manageable was vital in her situation.
A: We had our rescue kitten neutered. BooBoo Kitty did very well, and we were charged much less than our regular vet charges.
A: So many people cannot afford to have their pets spayed or neutered or cannot help stray dogs and cats that seem to wander and breed. Sadly, they are simply unaware of the wonderful and caring services BigFix offers. BigFix works with pet owners to help ensure the control of the population of unwanted animals while ensuring owner affordability with top vet care for their pets. The bottom line is that people just do not know about BigFix.
A: Upon pick up at the clinic? He was a little groggy but his usual self overall.
A: I have taken many many animals over the years that I have rescued and helped people from my rural area get their pets there. But specifically my own kitten Dove Gray was neutered at the clinic and we had a wonderful experience as usual. He healed right up in no time and it was very affordable for me!
A: They all seem to have fattened up and look much healthier!
A: It’s more than just a place to have your pets “fixed.” You can also have first shots done there. Most importantly, the pets are well-cared for while they are in your care.
A: The cats were very thin and scruffy looking.
A: Yes! Be a responsible pet owner. Spay and neuter your cats and dogs especially and don’t forget the importance of heartworm to YEAR ROUND.
A: There are many people who don’t know how affordable the clinic is until someone recommends the clinic.
A: Thank you!!! I wish there were more clinics that offered the same services. I have to drive a little over an hour one way to get to the clinic. Since there’s no other low cost clinic, the distance alone becomes a factor for elderly or disabled people, or those with a job that just makes it impossible to get there.
A: My MIL told me a year or so ago that she had taken a couple of pets to the clinic.
A: Around 2011/2012
A: No. I have always felt that spay and neutering was a must. All of my pets have been altered.
A: I don’t think there was any specific event when it comes to pets necessarily. Seeing the quality of life change for ferals was something that I think surprised me. Nothing changed in their care except the s/n and yet they look SO much better in a short period of time. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a male or female, they always gain weight and just look great. One feral male we caught close to doubled in size (still not overweight believe it or not) and became an incredibly annoying beggar for attention and food. You’d never have known he was feral within maybe 5 months of his neuter. We didn’t even try to tame him. Now he’s constantly in his throne on the back porch demanding food with the rest of the feed the hungry committee…
A: A friend that lives in Pearl told me about it.
A: Employees are not the most professional/friendly. Need better instructions on what to do when you come on thurs mornings. Alexa says to fill out paperwork but I got chewed out by employee and customer when I went to go turn in the paperwork. I didn’t realize the long line out the door was for waiting to turn in paperwork. How was I to know that we were all there for the same thing?!
A: To promote responsible pet care and out of consideration for one’s community.
A: My grandmother. She took stray cats before
A: Advertise more
A: Would have had to miss paying a utility bill or so. Would had suffered, but my Tess would have had the procedure; otherwise, my Tess would have suffered.
A: Homeless animal population is steadily growing
A: My family has always thought it important to have our pets to be fixed
A: Would’ve had to give to shelter. Probably would’ve been adopted but never know
A: Back to normal