
Foofin' was fixed through Mississippi Spay and Neuter's voucher program. Read his story here.

Foofin_1.jpgOn a visit to Petsense in Greenville, Mississippi to get cat food, I encountered a clerk holding a four week-old red and white kitten while she explained mixing dry kitten milk powder- CCs, mLs, ounces, and I could see a big question mark over the head of the concerned man who had saved the kitten from pit bulls loose in his yard.

I mentioned that a small kitten taking a hand held milk nipple might have milk go into the lungs causing deadly pneumonia. He looked worried. He had already been to the vet with the kitten to make sure what should be fed, so he cared. To make a long story short, we arranged for him to adopt an older kitten he was able to see by a video phone call, and I brought Foofin' home. This kitten was a hellion and it took a long time for him to learn to take the bottle and to lap so he could have milk whenever he wanted. He also uses my soft t-shirt to nurse, as he lost his mother too young. It is quite dear to watch.
As I brought him out to the car he foofed and spit at me and everyone he came in contact with. That was his protection against the unknown world. He is now a pleasant but playful grown 
juvenile. He is much loved.



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