Mississippi Legislature: Approve Senator Hill's bill to strengthen animal cruelty laws

Senator Angela Hill proposed a senate bill during the 2016 legislative session to strengthen Mississippi's inadequate animal cruelty laws. Though it did not pass, it will be amended and filed again this year. Please read the bill from 2016 and sign the petition to show your support for increased protections for Mississippi's animals! 

The legislature is now in session for 2017. We also ask that you contact your state representatives to voice your support. Phone calls and emails make a big difference!!

Mississippi's animal cruelty laws are grossly inadequate. We urge the Mississippi Legislature to pass Senator Hill's proposed animal cruelty bill, SB2600, in order to increase protections for cats and dogs. The proposed cruelty bill will do the following:

-Allow for a felony penalty for first time aggravated cruelty

-Allow law enforcement to charge multiple counts of cruelty, up to ten

-Require psychological counseling for offenders

Violence toward animals is inextricably linked toward violence against humans. By improving animal cruelty laws, we can prevent further violence and dissuade others from breaking the law.

As a state with some of the poorest animal cruelty protections in the nation, Mississippi's negative public image is detrimental to Mississippi's tourism and economic development revenue. It also is a deterrent for potential Mississippi citizens and encourages current citizens to move to places that are more humane toward animals. 

The proposed Cruelty Bill is not a threat to farmers and hunters, and will improve the quality of life for Mississippians and Mississippi's cats and dogs.

Who's signing

Terri Nelson
Layne Depreo
Donna Ludlow
Rachel Krumland
Tracey Manemann
Carole Lorenzo
Steve Henderson
Cyndee Scott
Erica Thomas
Tracy Waltman
Juanita Langley
Olan Lambert
Virginia Proth
Kathleen Driscoll
Sherida Massa
Briana Jordan
Karen Goudreault
Denise Johnson
Donna Albritton
Denise Sumpter
Cade Colletta
Jill Moran
Tracy Fulton
Sheila Foto
100,000 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 2303 reactions

  • Terri Nelson
  • Layne Depreo
  • Donna Ludlow
  • Rachel Krumland
  • Tracey Manemann
    This is a no brainier. Strengthening the punishment and making animal cruelty a felony may not stop it, but it sure will deter it. We MUST stop this behavior And protect those who cannot protect themselves.
  • Carole Lorenzo
    Carole Lorenzo
  • Steve Henderson
  • Cyndee Scott
  • Erica Thomas
  • Tracy Waltman
    Sign the petition: Mississippi Legislature: Approve SB2174 to strengthen animal cruelty laws for dogs and cats
  • Tracy Waltman
  • Juanita Langley
    Sign the petition: Mississippi Legislature: Approve SB2174 to strengthen animal cruelty laws for dogs and cats
  • Juanita Langley
  • Olan Lambert
  • Virginia Proth
    Please protect all dogs & cats.
  • Angela Kranz
    Sign the petition: Mississippi Legislature: Approve SB2174 to strengthen animal cruelty laws for dogs and cats
  • Kathleen Driscoll
    Pass legislation to stop the abuse of all animals. I’m sick and tired of people being able to get away with such horrible things.
  • Sherida Massa
    Sign the petition: Mississippi Legislature: Approve SB2174 to strengthen animal cruelty laws for dogs and cats
  • Sherida Massa
  • Briana Jordan
  • Karen Goudreault
    Karen Lynne Goudreault
  • Denise Johnson
  • Donna Albritton
    Donna Albritton
  • Denise Sumpter
  • Cade Colletta
    Sign the petition: Mississippi Legislature: Approve SB2174 to strengthen animal cruelty laws for dogs and cats
  • Cade Colletta
  • Jill Moran
  • Tracy Fulton
    Sign the petition: Mississippi Legislature: Approve SB2174 to strengthen animal cruelty laws for dogs and cats
  • Tracy Fulton
  • Sheila Foto
    This petition needs to pass. It’s very necessary