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Dedicate your special day to animals
Who's volunteering
Kimberly Mcdill
Amy and Russell McAllister
Hannah Senseney
Suzane Carver
Deborah Parmley
Renee Lake
Will you volunteer?
Optional email code
I am good with a camera and I can take photos of pets and their guardians
I am interested in helping out at The Big Thrift store
I can help guide clients through the check-in or check-out process at the Big Fix Clinic
I am interested in putting up flyers in my community
I can help find sponsors and auction donations for an upcoming fundraiser
I would like to talk about spay/neuter for a video or blog post
I can assist vet techs by preparing the clinic and supplies for the next day of surgeries (autoclave, laundry, etc.)
I am interested in staffing an educational table at community events
I can contact the guardians of Big Fix Clinic patients and interview them about their pets
I have video editing skills and can help make a video
I can help clean up a database/CRM
I can trap and/or transport feral and stray cats to the Big Fix Clinic
I will start an online fundraiser and invite friends and family to donate
I can transport pets to their appointments for families without transportation
I can help with a special research project to find low-cost services around the state
I am handy and can help with building maintenance
I can find and create social media content
I can cut the grass and spruce up the landscaping outside the Big Fix Clinic
I would like to host an informational event or fundraiser at my home
I will share Big Fix posts on social media and forward their emails to friends
Thank you calls
First Name
Last Name
Mobile phone (optional)
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When is a good time to call?
Address (Street, City, State, Postal code)
When are you available? (optional)
Comments, other ideas, etc. (optional)
Don't publish this on the website
Like this to encourage your friends to volunteer.
Showing 1036 reactions
Stevana Williams
signed up for
street team
2017-01-02 22:42:49 -0600
Stevana Williams
signed up for
Spaytacular committee
2017-01-02 22:42:49 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
wants to volunteer
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
MadCAAP transport volunteer
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
stray/feral trap & transport 39213
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
Social Media Ambassador
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
street team
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
Volunteer- Outreach
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
Spaytacular committee
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Kimberly Mcdill
signed up for
outdoor dog crew
2017-01-02 20:19:39 -0600
Amy and Russell McAllister
wants to volunteer
2017-01-02 19:51:56 -0600
Amy and Russell McAllister
signed up for
Social Media Ambassador
2017-01-02 19:51:56 -0600
Amy and Russell McAllister
signed up for
2017-01-02 19:51:56 -0600
Amy and Russell McAllister
signed up for
street team
2017-01-02 19:51:56 -0600
Hannah Senseney
wants to volunteer
2017-01-02 19:38:05 -0600
Hannah Senseney
signed up for
street team
2017-01-02 19:38:05 -0600
Hannah Senseney
signed up for
Volunteer- Outreach
2017-01-02 19:38:05 -0600
Hannah Senseney
signed up for
Spaytacular committee
2017-01-02 19:38:05 -0600
Hannah Senseney
signed up for
thrift volunteer
2017-01-02 19:38:05 -0600
Hannah Senseney
signed up for
outdoor dog crew
2017-01-02 19:38:05 -0600
Suzane Carver
wants to volunteer
2016-12-23 10:13:34 -0600
Suzane Carver
signed up for
2016-12-23 10:13:34 -0600
Suzane Carver
signed up for
street team
2016-12-23 10:13:34 -0600
Deborah Parmley
wants to volunteer
2016-12-19 21:14:24 -0600
Deborah Parmley
signed up for
2016-12-19 21:14:23 -0600
Deborah Parmley
signed up for
street team
2016-12-19 21:14:23 -0600
Deborah Parmley
signed up for
Volunteer- Outreach
2016-12-19 21:14:23 -0600
Deborah Parmley
signed up for
Spaytacular committee
2016-12-19 21:14:23 -0600
Renee Lake
wants to volunteer
2016-12-17 16:48:23 -0600
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Showing 1036 reactions