
Leaderboards are a great way to acknowledge your most valuable supporters. When someone RSVPs for an event, donates, or recruits their friends to sign up, they will earn virtual currency. You can then create a leaderboard ranking the people with the most currency to foster others to step up. Leaderboards update automatically. Learn more about virtual currency and leaderboards.


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+504023.40sc capital
GOAL: 5000sc earned social capital

Top 10 Most earned political capital

Shelby Sifers 1
+119399sc earned social capital
Rachel & Nathan Truong 2
+1240sc earned social capital
Kelly Collins 3
+1135.80sc earned social capital
Daphne Karl 4
+1096sc earned social capital
Noreen Kenny 5
+1065sc earned social capital
Marty Douglass 6
+995sc earned social capital
Wells Richards 7
+913sc earned social capital
Kristen Twedt 8
+844sc earned social capital
Mary Margaret Judy 9
+844sc earned social capital
Tanya Forrest 10
+823sc earned social capital